Sage 100 does everything you expect from a good commercial and accounting tool

ERP Sage 100 : Managing your commercial and accounting activities

Megabyte offers an ERP tool that can be implemented in the blink of an eye

A SMB has specific management needs. Sometimes sophisticated, but often complex and very precise. Regularly they have to deal with constraints (budget, legal, HR, delays)  so they need a solution that fulfils their needs, satisfies their business requirements and brings answers to specific problems link to the nature of their activities .  A management tool must therefore be perfectly adaptable and quickly operational.

Three key features to improve your performance :

  • Functionalities

    Are you looking for a clear and summarized view so that you can take better decisions more easily ?

    Thanks to Sage 100 ERP you can consult and edit with only a few clicks your dashboard data through an Excel interface.

  • Intuition

    Do you want to improve your productivity by using a user-friendly solution ? Sage 100 boasts intuitive navigation

    Entering data is fast, the tool is user-friendly and the data visualizations is instantaneous

  • Interaction

    Do you wish to share your information more easily ? Sage 100 ERP gives access to all collaborators who need to have access to financial and commercial information in the line of their duty. Sharing information work on mobiles, but also on desktops through a browser

Commercial management is the base on which your company rests.  Sage 100 ERP brings all the tools together that help you increase your sales margins and improve your service quality :

  • Control your sales cycles
    React better thanks to a structured and automated sales process
  • Guide your commercial activity
    Analyze your sales in detail: geographically, per product, per sales person, …
  • Improve your productivity
    Streamline your procurement by optimizing your supplies. Check your customers’ orders, production forecast …
  • Control product availability
    Control your stock supply through a real-time follow-up of stocks (minimum, maximum,…). Avoid shortages or overstock

Make use of a perfect management cycle by integrating the accounting module.

We can help you manage your accounting and financial activities more efficiently, thanks to our Sage 100 ERP.

It can be integrated with stock management and invoicing.  It boasts excellent performance and reliability as well as a large functional range. Other trumps include customization and easy access to the database.

Furthermore you will find direct and interactive links with your office environment and you can easily generate your accounting documents in PDF format.

Guide your commercial activity with efficiency !

Do you need more info before choosing / buying Sage 100 ERP solution ?

Free demo, custom-made training, prices, promo, Sage 100 ERP support